Advanced Programming is a core course for second-year undergraduate students at IIIT Delhi. This course was revamped in 2017 by Dr. Vivek Kumar with several new additions, such as redesigning the lecture slides by using real-world examples, replacing Java Swing with JavaFX for event-driven programming, introducing task-based parallel programming model, assignment chaining where one assignment builds on top on the previous assignment, pair-programming based course project to teach the students how to work in a team and implement a big project from scratch.

The main goal of this course is to prepare the students for the challenge of building large-scale programs with multiple functional components, some of which could be designed/implemented independently. This course uses Java to introduce the concepts of object orientation, reusable code design, test-driven development, programming to an application-programming-interface, pattern-oriented program design and implementation etc. At the end of the course, the students are expected to be able to work in teams to develop large application programs starting from a reasonably well-defined application design with multiple independent components with well-defined interfaces.


  1. Introduction to Object Oriented Programming [PDF]
  2. Classes and Objects [PDF]
  3. Class Relationships [PDF]
  4. Interfaces in Java [PDF]
  5. Interfaces and Polymorphism [PDF]
  6. Inheritance and Polymorphism [PDF]
  7. Abstract Class and Immutable Class [PDF]
  8. The Object Class [PDF]
  9. Generic Programming [PDF]
  10. Exception Handling [PDF]
  11. Collection Framework [PDF]
  12. Mid Semester Review [PDF]
  13. I/O Streams [PDF]
  14. Unit Testing and Inner Classes [PDF]
  15. Unified Modeling Language [PDF]
  16. Event Driven Programming using JavaFX [PDF]
  17. Introduction to Multithreading [PDF]
  18. Thread Creation [PDF]
  19. Thread Pool [PDF]
  20. Mutual Exclusion [PDF]
  21. Introduction to Design Patterns-1 [PDF]
  22. Adapter and Strategy Design Pattern [PDF]
  23. Template, Prototype, Factory & Facade Design Patterns[PDF]
  24. Design Pattern Part-4[PDF]
  25. Endterm Review-1 [PDF]
  26. Endterm Review-2 [PDF]


  • Weekly assignments (20%)
  • Pair programming based project (half the semester)(20%)
  • Quizzes (10%)
  • Midterm exam (20%)
  • Endterm exam (30%)



Students work in a pair to implement the AP course project from scratch. The course project is released during the middle of the semester with three intermediate deadlines. The students usually implement a simplified version of a well-known video game from scratch using JavaFX and OOP concepts. The deliverables are as follows:

  • a) submitting detailed UML class diagrams and use case diagrams for the project (two weeks duration)
  • b) submitting static GUI of the project along with some animation components (two weeks duration)
  • c) submitting the complete project (one-month duration).

The Will Hero (2021) [PDF].
Credits: Rahul Maddula and Vyshnav Vijay

Color Switch (2020) [PDF].
Credits: Ananya Lohani and Mihir Chaturvedi

Plants Vs Zombies (2019) [PDF].
Credits: Bhavya Chopra and Sonali Singhal

Snake Vs Blocks (2018) [PDF].
Credits: Shubham Thakral and Tanmay Bansal

Chain Reaction (2017) [PDF].
Credits: Dhruv Bhagat and Sushant Kumar Singh

Book It (2017) [PDF].
Credits: Harsh Pathak and Nihesh Anderson


Assignments in 2021 (Four)

Assignments in 2020 (Four)

Assignments in 2019 (Seven)

Assignments in 2018 (Seven)

Assignments in 2017 (Eight)


Student feedback on a scale of 1-5


Vivek Kumar